Large businesses are sadly often the target of intruders, arsonists and even theft from their own staff. Prestigious corporate premises also carry the risk of terrorist attack and even industrial espionage. In such situations, many businesses look to their insurance policies to aid their business recovery. In reality, few assess the long-term cost of the delay a break-in or fire causes - for example the possible loss of customers (whose experience disruption) and the cost of staff attrition (staff morale and sense of security dips after a major break in).
For many of our large corporate clients, the security of their staff, property and other business assets needs to be managed alongside other business systems, such as health and safety. In helping these enterprises, we work closely with the dedicated individual or team who oversee the company's security and protection policies.
Understanding the corporate environment's unique challenges
Over the years, we've helped hundreds of large corporate businesses to put in place security measures that protect staff, property and stock from intruders and give immediate detection of fire. We've also come to specialise in solutions that protect central HQs, multi-site offices and even international operations from across a variety of business sectors - including pharmaceutical, IT and telecoms, construction/property development, manufacturing, services, banking and finance.
Not wedded to any specific manufacturer, we invest time to survey the security and fire detection weakspots across your business and find the right solution that will create the protection you want. We can also integrate the various components of your security measures into one manageable system and can even go further and integrate these with other business systems in your buildings.
Choose from the list on the left for more specific information about how we help to protect your business. And don't forget to call us for your free survey.